
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Care Givers and Orphans: Audio Dramatizations to Help!

Trans World Radio Logo (above)
All of us are, undoubtedly, aware that one of the mandates of the Bible is the care of orphans and of widows.  James describes it as an evidence of "pure religion and undefiled."  That is pretty strong language.

Trans World Radio (TWR), among many other activities, is ministering to caregivers and orphans with these two audio dramatizations, in English, in an African situation (AIDS epidemic decimated homes). 

The caregiver one is called "Holding Esther" and info can be found at Holding Esther

The second is called "Jabota Bridge" and can be found at Jabota Bridge

Although there will be an African situation, specifically, it could be that the scripts may at some point be available.  Maybe you have some local thespians who could produce, adapt and so on.  I think the second, Jabota Bridge, will not be aired until 2019.

However, these are very listenable, as is, and may be downloaded.

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