
Sunday, July 29, 2018


For those of you who are not familiar with Ariel Ministries,  perhaps I should start by clarifying, using words from the Ariel Ministries website: Bible teaching from a Messianic Jewish perspective.  Some of the background to this ministry is quoted from their website, again, below:
Arnold Fruchtenbaum graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1971 and received his Ph.D. from New York University in 1989. After graduating from Dallas, he moved to Israel with his wife, Mary Ann, and established a Bible institute, a school which became so effective in discipleship that after two years certain religious leaders forced Arnold and Mary Ann to return to the United States.
When they returned, they saw a most wonderful thing: The Holy Spirit was doing a tremendous work among Jewish young people, with an explosion of new believers rivaling that recorded in the Book of Acts. But along with the joy of seeing hundreds saved came the agony of watching new Jewish believers falter and ebb in their enthusiasm because of poor discipleship by their older brothers and sisters in the Lord.
The concept of a new and powerful ministry simmered within Arnold's heart during the following years, as he worked first with the American Board of Missions to the Jews (now Chosen People Ministries) and, then, The Christian Jew Foundation. Finally, he could resist the call no longer, and Ariel Ministries turned from a dream into reality.
Today, Ariel Ministries has plunged directly into the mainstream of Jewish missions by combining the two key areas of evangelism and discipleship, with a heavy emphasis on Bible theology and doctrine. We seek to develop a balanced program of reaching out to others, as we grow in maturity ourselves. And, today, there are thousands upon thousands of Jewish Christians eager to live well-balanced lives — sharing their faith, praying, diligently studying the Word and pursuing fellowship with other believers.
We praise God for other Jewish missions as we work together to pursue the common goal of reaching the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Our Lord will use all who are willing to listen and obey during these last days before Messiah Jesus returns: Afterward the sons of Israel will return and seek the Lord their God and David their king, and they will come trembling to the Lord and His goodness in the last days (Hosea 3:5).
And, so, in these “last days,” the necessity and future for Jewish missions has never been greater. Yet we cannot accomplish this work ourselves. We need our brothers and sisters in the Lord — Jew and Gentile alike — to join with and uphold us in this endeavor. We pray that the Spirit of God will move you to unite with us in our vision.
Many of us are not Jewish -- so why would we post an Ariel notice on a general website?  Well, to get an in-depth insight into the world of the Bible, the Jewish perspective is really helpful in many ways.  The Old Testament, of course, was written in Hebrew, so there are linguistic insights that a Jewish perspective might offer.  The New Testament, though not originally written in Hebrew, mentions many events in the Gospels, and these events are not immediately understandable to the Gentile reader.  There are many allusions to Hebraic practices from the Old Testament in the epistles, as well, that become much more clear when viewed through the lens of a Hebraic scholar.   In addition to these reasons, having a good, sound teacher of the Bible is a major plus when studying Ariel materials:  Dr. Fruchtenbaum, along with his Jewish background, also has a BA in Hebrew and Greek, a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from New York State University.  Dr. Fruchtenbaum is able to show from history where some of the church schisms that have occurred throughout the centuries might have been avoided had there been a Jewish, as well as a Gentile perspective on the Bible.

NOW, BACK TO INDIA:  You will find a great deal of information about Ariel India at the following link:

If you wish immediate contact information for this ministry, it is given below:
Ariel Ministries India
Bakul N. Christian
D-20, Anand Colony,
Near Baroda Express Highway,
CTM Cross Road,
Ahmedabad - 380026
Landline: 0091-79-25853245
Cell phone: 0091-9978128038
Skype name: bakulkumar.christian

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