In an earlier post, which dealt with a Bible translation, I mentioned that one of the narrators of audio-Bibles on Bible Gateway was Max McLean, a former Shakespearian actor.
I embedded one of his stage recitations in a post which you will find immediately below this one, for your enjoyment. If you wish to watch more, you can probably find more on YouTube. I posted this excerpt for two reasons: one, to show a little of what Christians in the performing arts are doing in relation to making the Gospel and the Bible known; two, so that some of you, perhaps, might prevail upon your local theatre to invite such a performer to your town. There are probably numerous persons who would not be likely to hear the Word of God at an evangelistic event, but who might listen, perhaps for the first time, at a theatrical event.
I should probably mention a third possibility. Perhaps we have ignored the dynamic of simple recitations of the Scriptures in recent years. I know that when I have heard kids, for example, recite chapters of the Bible well, it has been an inspiring experience. I think it can be an interesting part of a church program, whether in the Sunday School or elsewhere.
Many of us will never spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the performing arts. It is interesting to note, however, that at least one organization, founded by Max McLean, is attempting to do that. For your interest, I have put a link here which gives a little idea of the scope of their present work, which includes a stage performance about the conversion of C. S. Lewis, Luther on Trial, and other matters, and, of course, as we already know, The Gospel of Mark.
Here is that link: Fellowhsip for the Performing Arts
Do people really buy tickets for theatre performances that are the Bible, or Bible-related? It would seem so, judging by the information at the following link:
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