
Saturday, March 24, 2018

Sacra Script Has Another Exciting Series: Tracing His Story

A couple of posts ago, I mentioned SacraScript Ministries, mainly in connection with their book-by-book Bible studies.  They, however, have other studies, also, and I just viewed one tonight by live stream, in the series called "Tracing His Story: Following God's Faithfulness through the history of His Church." 
I think there was an earlier part of this series, which, while still on the theme "Tracing His Story," dealt with God's faithfulness during the times of both the Old and New Testaments.  This series deals with God's faithfulness after the New Testament era.  Tonight, March 24, 2018, I viewed Part 4 of this series, which was mainly about the time of severe persecution under Diocletian, which was followed by other events, including the accession of Constantine and some changes under his leadership. 
I do find I like the explanations given:  they are understandable and are, as well, at a pace that can be followed.  I hope that some other people may look into this series, and the one prior to it.  I think it will be rewarding.  By the way, all prior videos in the series are available on the SacraScript website, which is at SacraScript Ministries

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