
Monday, December 10, 2012

A Good, Reproducible Commercial Bible Time Line

I just received something in the mail which may be useful to many of you.  It is the Big Picture Bible Time Line, published by Gospel Light , by Minister Kenneth S. Pinckney And The Gospel Light, compiled by Carol Eide, illustrated by Chizuko Yasuda, and designed by Carolyn Gillmon.

What are its pluses?  They are various:

  1. This time line is reproducible.  You may, therefore, send it home with students.
  2. It is chiefly pictorial, so does not require literacy to any extent.
  3. It is 60 feet long, yet each section is the normal 81/2 by 11 inch page size!
  4. Both Old Testament and New Testament are included.
  5. Every event has a Scripture reference.
  6. The pictures are of the coloring-book variety, so there is a student activity, either in-class, or, at home.
  7. Dates are given at the top of each section, and the sections can be joined together with tape at the back.
  8. These masters can be used for purposes other than time lines: they provide great visuals for Sunday School lessons.
  9. Retails for about 11 USD on, and, like me, you can get a copy for 83 cents, BUT, the right to photocopy does not extend beyond the original purchaser.  Hmm.  It is still a good buy for 11 USD, l'd think.
  10. Paperback, so not too heavy or cumbersome.
  11. Nice find, I'd think.
Here is a YouTube review of the book, very nicely done:

YouTube Review of Big Picture Bible TIme Line

Big Picture Bible Time Line
    This link, above, shows some pages within the book, which can be purchased from a good many book outlets.
ISBN 0-8307-1472-3

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