We've all heard of Trans World Radio, I think, which carries Christian programs, among others, to many languages of the world, including very gospel ones in Spanish, et cetera.
Well, in the old days, I guess this was a short wave radio matter, but, of course, all that sort of thing is now available on Internet.
It used to be the way people could access the gospel in places where gospel preaching was not permitted.
HOWEVER, how does this touch you?
I went to that website, and noticed that there is also a section called MEMBER-CARE, probably originally designed for the missions people working for Trans World.
It has medical doctors, etc., talking about health issues, home issues, such as "missionary kid" issues, mental health issues that might assail Christian workers in a foreign culture, marriage issues -- and probably this sort of thing is a good adjunct backup to a textbook, if needed,for those teaching a marriage class, depression, et cetera, et cetera. So, anyway, I thought it was a bit unique and am passing on the link to those who might find it helpful, or who might have friends, particularly those in cross-cultural ministry situations, who might. Lots of people have general help when it comes to health and fmaily and so on, but, missionaries and cross-cultural workers may have particular ones, or may live in a culture where confidentiality is not the medical norm, eh?
Also think it may have some good stuff there that would be helpful to those who arecounseling OTHERS.
It's to be found at:
Enjoy! Pass on!
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