
Monday, July 13, 2015

Rose Publishing: "How We Got the Bible" -- Six-Session DVD Presentation

Has it ever struck you -- when passing the inevitable headline on a checkout counter magazine -- that, in fact, you don't have an immediate answer to the suppositions about the Biblical canon, and what "they" (?) are hiding from you -- mainly because, other than knowing the names of men such as Wycliffe and Tyndale, you are not all that familiar with the story of how the Bible was brought to us, over time.  Problem is, so many of the ways to acquire this knowledge involve reading a several volume tome -- and this might not be the priority for your biblical studies right now.  Fret no more!  This six-DVD study is simple enough yet detailed enough to inform you on this topic, so that, next time someone informs you of some popular but misled beliefs about the Word of God, you will not only have an answer, but, perhaps, some interesting info for them, as well.  Good format, also,by the way!  Good from teenage onward. Rose Publishing forwarded a free excerpt for my candid review.

N.B.:   This particular study is available in other forms, such as in a Power Point Presentation, in an E-book, in chart or pamphlet form, as well.  Also, the components of the study I reviewed, above, for instance, the leader's book, the students' books, are available separately.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Rose Publishing: I Want to Know... Something About Abraham

“Abraham: A Journey of Faith,” is a recent attractive and quite comprehensive booklet by Rose Publishing.  As usual, the map is just right:  no need to sift through too many details – we see Abraham’s journeys in standalone fashion, and the sheer distance involved, in a day without modern transportation, is immediately impressive.  Since there are promises by God about Abraham’s descendants, a simplified family tree showing how the twelve tribes of Israel are descended, is also included.  Several tables help the reader to remember conditional and unconditional promises to Abraham, similarities between Abraham and the disciples, parallels between Abraham and Jesus, and a timeline, as well, helps us to be accurate about the timing of events in Abraham’s life:  one positive note – a number of the important aspects of Abraham’s life occur after the age of 75 – so, it seems that our elders might take heart from that interesting fact!  I received a free advance copy in return for a review.