
Friday, December 12, 2014

List of Audio-Bibles Available

Here is an interesting linkto many of the audio-Bible now available:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Do you speak English, but find that the vocabulary in most Bible translations is still a bit difficult.  Perhaps the Easy English Bible would be helpful to you.   This particular Bible limits its vocabulary, so that a person who knows English, but does not have a large vocabulary, can read it easily.

Many of you are acquainted with the Wycliffe Translators: Easy English Bible is an offshoot of that work.

On the Easy English website, there is an Easy English Bible, as mentioned above.  However, there are also Bible studies and commentaries written in that same Easy English.

Not only English learners, but English native speakers might benefit from Easy English:  children, for example, or those who have only recently become literate, might enjoy the Easy English texts.

If you think Easy English would be helpful to you, or to someone you know, the link is here:

Easy English Bible and Studies

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Bible Stories Alive: Mrs. G

There is a website that might interest you:  it is a loved resource for Bible stories narrated by the late Katy Anna Griffiths, known on her broadcasts as "Mrs. G."  The "G" designation does not come from her surname, but, as it happens, from the category "General Audience" to whom the narrations are directed.
It is only within the past week and one-half that Mrs. Griffiths went to be with her Lord, so, in addition to  a link for the website, I shall provide a link to her obituary notice.  If, therefore, you have not met her in person, or, if you have not heard of her before, you will have some small acquaintance with her through her own personal story.
The Bible Stories Alive radio schedule
The Bible Stories Alive website
Life Story of Mrs. Griffiths

As you will have noticed, the Bible stories are narrated and are available as CD, MP3, book and on radio, to many provinces of Canada, to many states of the USA, and to many countries of the world, in some cases, in translation.


Friday, October 31, 2014

Homegoing (Funeral) of Gospel Singer GEORGE BEVERLY SHEA

This is a very inspiring funeral.  George Beverly Shea was 104 years old when God called him home.  YouTube has the Homegoing Service at this link:
Homegoing of George Beverly Shea
You might wish to hear some of his earlier singing:
Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing: sung in 1957 
Here is another song:
It Is No Secret What God Can Do 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Once More: Free Online BIble Course: The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus

The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus - Free VideoBook

"The Bible is the world's best-seller. But I don't know what's it all about!"

The Bible is big, ancient book filled history, poetry, letters and prophecy. How can anyone figure out what is its main message? Why are there so many copies of the Bible around the world and yet so many fail to grasp its meaning?

If you have always wanted to know what the Bible's message is or if you've read the Bible but are unsure how it all ties together, then you can benefit from this course.

This self-paced video course is adapted from The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus VideoBook. It aims to give a solid overview of the Bible. It ties together key Old and New Testament stories to reveal the identity of God and the nature of sin, all the time answering two questions: “Who is Jesus?” and “What is the story of the cross and the tomb all about?”

As you watch "the greatest story ever told" unfold, you will begin to understand clearly the Bible's main message. The course does so with simplicity, without religious jargon and without any arm-twisting. The learner is invited to make up his or her own mind.

Whether you have significant Bible knowledge, or have never read "the Book"—this online course is for you.

Bible Study Video Course Navigation

This 11-hour video course comprises an introduction and 15 chapters. Each chapter is made up of several video clip sections. Begin by watching the introduction and continue at your own pace by clicking on each section title. Each video clip will load into the player below.


Introduction to the Course

Chapter 1

1 - The Prologue 2 - Getting Things Straight 3 - A Unique Book

Chapter 2

1 - In the Beginning God 2 - Angels, Hosts and Stars

Chapter 3

1 - Heaven and Earth 2 - It Was Good 3 - Man and Woman

Chapter 4

1 - I Will 2 - Has God Said? 3 - Where Are You? 4 - Death

Chapter 5

1 - A Paradox 2 - Atonement 3 - Two By Two 4 - Babel

Chapter 6

1 - Abraham 2 - Belief 3 - Isaac

Chapter 7

1 - Israel and Judah 2 - Moses 3 - Pharaoh and the Passover

Chapter 8

1 - Bread, Quail and Water 2 - Ten Rules 3 - The Courtroom

Chapter 9

1 - The Tabernacle 1b - The Gold Box 2 - Unbelief 3 - Judges, Kings and Prophets

Chapter 10

1 - Elizabeth and Mary 2 - Jesus 3 - Among the Sages 4 - Baptism

Chapter 11

1 - Tempted 2 - Power and Fame 3 - Nicodemus 4 - Rejection 5 - The Bread of Life

Chapter 12

1 - Filthy Rags 2 - The Way 3 - Lazarus 4 - Hell 5 - Acceptance and Betrayal

Chapter 13

1 - Arrested 2 - Crucified 3 - Burial and Resurrection

Chapter 14

1 - The Emmaus Road 2 - (Adam to Noah) 3 - (Abraham to the Law) 4 - (The Tabernacle to the Bronze Serpent) 5 - (John the Baptist to the Resurrection)

Chapter 15

1 - A Convenient Time 2 - Credits

The VideoBook is produced by GoodSeed International. You can learn more about it or purchase a copy for your use. GoodSeed focuses on providing tools and training that provide a clear, objective overview of the Bible's main message. Its tools are designed around different audience needs. There are resources for different ages, learning styles and worldviews. Visit to learn more.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Gospel/Bible Radio Broadcasts in Portuguese

Here is a link to many Bible broadcasts: some are teaching broadcasts, others are dramas -- take your choice -- enjoy:

At the website, you will find listings of RADIO STATIONS in Brazil where you may hear the broadcasts if you do not wish to hear them from the Internet.

DRAMAS are listed here:

EMISORAS are listed here:

Thursday, October 9, 2014

BBN: Christian Radio Broadcasts in Spanish

A fine selection of Christian radio broadcasts in the Spanish language is available from BBN.  You may wish to listen on-line, live, or you may wish to consult the schedule for your country at the BBN website.  If you like dramatizations, which I do, you will find a few of those, including the Spanish-language version of "Hope for the Heart," which is broadcast in the form of a novela!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

"The Spoken Word of God": Audio Bibles, Solar Bibles, Christian Gospel Radio Broadcasts, in Many Languages

This morning, I encountered a ministry that was new to me.  Apparently, it has been operating for a long time.  A man, and, later, his wife, heard and responded to the Christian gospel message through radio ministries.  That man, Jack Turney, who has now turned 90 years old, began to establish spoken word ministries around the world.  You can find his story, and that of the organization he founded, at the following link:
Here is an interesting quote that relates to the RADIO ministry of The Spoken Word of God:
The Spoken Word of God is now available in over twenty languages of the most spoken native tongues worldwide. In India and Pakistan – Telugu, Hindi and Urdu. In Iraq and the surrounding Middle East – Arabic. In the Philippines – Tagalog. In China – the Mandarin language; and many more. In each language, 
the Scriptures are set forth in the people’s own native tongue.
 The Spoken Word of God also distributes materials on CD, DVD, MP3, and, interestingly, solar Bibles!

Check out this ministry!  It may have something for you!

Friday, August 1, 2014

"The Bible in Living Sound": dramatized audio-recordings in English, French, Japanese, Bamanan, Chinese, and one other

Would you like to have audio Bible recordings for children, particularly for those of elementary school age?   This may be a product that will interest you.  As you will notice on the link, these recordings are also available in several languages as well as in English:  for example, some of these languages are French, Bamani, Chinese, and Japanese.  I can't read what it is, but there is another language listed.  Here is the link to this product:
Try listening to a segment, and you will be able to determine whether it is what you want.

The recordings are available in various formats:  CD, Audio-DVD, and MP3.  There is a cost, but it seems reasonable, compared to other, similar products on the market.

It is possible to LISTEN to samples from various recordings.  I found them interesting to hear.  There are 450 stories, if one buys the entire set of recordings, but it is possible to buy the series by sections. Probably a great gift for a grandchild or for a son or daughter.   I think that maybe 8 to 15 years old would be the ideal audience, but, still, that could vary.

Free Online Theological Studies from Well-Known Bible Scholars

Today, I encountered something rather unusual.  I was seeking theological degree scholarships for someone, and encountered a link to free theological studies -- actually, I encountered two or three of them -- and I guess I thought that these would not be high academic ones, and, since, as we all know, the "bright boys are not always the good boys," that was not a problem.

This particular link, though, leads to somewhat well-known names [Wallace, Moo, Bock, and others] that you may have noticed in your prior readings, and, normally, accessing their courses would mean enrolling at a well-known seminary or college, and that is often prohibitive because of cost, or because it is far away, geographically.  So, the good news is: these courses are free.

So, if you are a person who is highly academically-oriented, and you want exposure to the well-known scholars, for a, b, or c reasons, then, here is an interesting link to evangelical studies with scholars that represent a variety of views. I think that people realized that it should not be necessary to be wealthy to access theological studies. You are free to agree or disagree with these scholars, so, if you are up for something like that, maybe this link will be one for you:
It may also be that you simply wish to listen to one or more of these scholars, and do not wish to take a course.  That is also an option, since it is not necessary to register for a course, although there are some benefits to doing so,  Anyway, that is my 'find' for the day!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


The Australian Bible Society has done it again!  They have graphical representations of Bible stories, contests and other activities.  Check out their website, below:
Perhaps there will be something that will be useful to you.  They have aimed their stories at elementary school children.

Re: "THE LAMB" and other at-one-time free e-book downloads I posted some time ago

Good Morning!

Some time ago, I posted a number of free e-book downloads that could be obtained from the people at GoodSeed.  

They were offering them in many languages.   They are NOT now making this offer, and now there is a charge for their materials.

HOWEVER: they do have a caveat to all of this, for those who are
  1. wishing to have a copy, but cannot afford the price
  2. living in a country where the purchase of such materials might incriminate one with political authorities
  3. are in a ministry where multiple copies are required.   I shall quote them, below:
QUOTES FROM THE GOOD SEED WEBSITE: the general website, itself, can be found at GoodSeedWebsite    The following quotes are to be found at certain places on it.

Important notes

Financial Difficulty. Are you facing financial difficulty? Are you questioning whether you can afford this eBook? Well, we really want to make it possible for you to have. If you will commit yourself to reading this eBook, we will happily provide you a coupon code that allows you to obtain this book free of charge. Click here for coupon code.
Possible Opposition. Are you facing possible opposition in your home or country if you make a financial transaction with GoodSeed? We can provide you with a coupon code so you can download the book without making a transaction. Click here for coupon code.
GoodSeed is a not-for-profit organization. Revenue from sales is ploughed back into providing resources around the world to people who otherwise have no access to them. On behalf of those who cannot thank you, we wish to thank you for purchasing this book.
For Ministries
As a ministry, GoodSeed seeks to equip other ministries with tools and training to share the core message of the Bible. If you are a ministry and are in need of our tools in bulk, please talk to us about your needs. You can either call one of our offices directly or fill in our contact form. We will be happy to discuss your needs.
Office contact information
Contact form

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Esperanza Para El Corazon

"Hope for the Heart" is available in the Spanish language -- here's the link:

Esperanza Para El Corazon

Bible Radio Broadcasts in Many Languages!

Good news, today, for a number of language groups:  we have another resource to present:  the BBN radio network -- also available on Internet and Android, et cetera, has broadcasts, and, I believe, Bible courses, in many languages.  Click on your favourite link, below:
Chinese: traditional
Chinese: simplified
I'm sure a number of other languages will be added, as time goes on.  Enjoy!