
Thursday, October 25, 2012

HINDI Bible Resources: Gospel Audios, Et Cetera

The link given below is one that leads to a pretty interesting resource page called "Dusty Sandals," which includes the Gospels, the part of the Holy Bible giving us the narratives about Jesus' life, read in poetic form.    So, if you are interested in audio resources in Hindi, click below:

Gospel According to Mark -- A Shakepearian Rendition

Shakespearian-like rendition of the Gospel of Mark is a good introduction for those who have never read this Bible book. On YouTube, the remaining chapters may also be found. Those who are in Bible studies of The Gospel According to Mark, such as, for example, "Christianity Explored," may find that this is one additional voiced reading that can provide an introduction, review, or a present to take home at the end of the series.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Hungarian Online Bibles & Awadhi Online Bible (Pavithar Bible {New India Bible Version})

Bible Gateway has made a new announcement!  For some time, only the New Testament had been available in the Hungarian Easy-to-Read Version.  Now, the Old Testament is available in that version, as well.
Hungarian Easy-to-Read Version: Complete Bible

Another complete Bible translation in Hungarian is now available, also, at Bible Gateway.  It is the Hungarian New Translation, which attempts to balance formal translation with dynamic equivalence, and is in the translation stream that began with the Vizsoly Bible of 1590.

The Hungarian New Translation

Another language is also now available on Bible Gateway.  It is  the Pavithar Bible (New India Bible Version), in Awadhi, a language of North India.  You can access it, in PDF form, at the link below:

Awadhi Bible in PDF

Arabic Language Bible Resources: Online Audio-Bible

The page below will advise you about various Arabic language resources, including AUDIO-resources for listening to portions of the Arabic Bible on-line, some PDF resources for reading a recent Bible translation in Arabic.

Those who are more comfortable utilizing older translations that are familiar to them may find newer translations helpful when trying to think of a phrase that explains a text -- in other words, such readers would use the more modern translation when paraphrasing in their teaching.

The link is below:

Arabic Language Bible Resources