
Thursday, August 23, 2012

John 3:16 Many Languages Wall Text Examples

On a previous post, called John 3:16, I referred you to a site called Every Tongue.  I also gave you examples from that site of John 3:16 written in many languages, sometimes in a foreign script. 

Above, I am showing you examples of how this text can be printed on to stationery with borders, and can end up looking quite good in terms of use as a wall text, or, perhaps, as a place mat, if suitably and safelylaminated.  The Christmas-looking example on which the Portuguese text has been placed is one that might lend itself to placemat use.  I have put one example here of borders that you might generate yourself from Microsoft Word or from other such programs.  The Punjabi example has a border that was produced from Microsoft Word, for example.  I hope that many people will attempt to make gifts or posters of this nature to produce in sensitive manner. 

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